

Friday, 7 November 2014

Setting background image of webpage using CSS

I am a developer and designing mainly CSS takes hell out of me. So even to do a small things like setting background image of web page takes lot of effort of me. I am working on an application and using Twitter Bootstrap for the designing purpose. I had a requirement to set background image using bootstrap. In this post I am sharing how can you do that? I know for many of you it may be super easy or may have better way to do. I am sharing this tips for developers like me who does not have any idea how CSS and bootstrap works. 
  1. body {  
  2. margin: 0;  
  3. background: url('bg5.jpg');  
  4. background-size: 1440px 800px;  
  5. background-repeat:no-repeat;  
  6. display: compact;  
  7. }  
I have put image in the root folder of application. I hope this quick tip may help you. After setting this application looks like,

Thanks for reading

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